Friday, June 25, 2021

My basic facts graph term 1 & 2.

 Basic Facts Graph Term 1 and 2.

This graph shows the progress made by students over Terms 1 and 2 with their Basic Facts Tests. The aim is for students to become automatic with their knowledge of Addition and Subtraction to 20, and Multiplication and Division to 100 by the end of year 6. This will help students gain better understandings with other Strands, Concepts and Problems. 

Name _Pippa_________________________________________________________






















Wk 3  1 

Wk 7  1

Wk 1  2

Wk 2 2

Wk 3 2 

Wk 4

Wk 5

Wk 6

Wk 7

Wk 8

Reflection about My Basic Facts Term 1 and 2. My maths goal is to get better at division.


My goal is still to get better at division.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Horouta waka

 The Horouta Waka 

Hi chief. Today I’m going to give you 3 good reasons why I should go on the good waka. I know there will be lots of applications but I think mine will be one of the best. 

Firstly: I can cook for the crew. The crew need a nice warm and filling meal after a long hard day of work. I can work flexible hours for the star navigator. If the crew don’t get a nice filling meal they will be hungry. 

Secondly: I can take care of the sick. I can take care of the sick and give them spechelle herb medosun. I can comfort them and keep them warm.

Third: I can look after the kids onboard the waka. The kids onboard the waka can’t just get in the way of the adults. So I can look after them while their parents are busy. I can entertain them and give them healthy snacks.

I can also work the ropes, help navigate etc.

Would these skills help? I hope I get picked to go.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Geometry Reflection.

 Geometry Reflection - Model

Write a reflection on your learning in Geometry. You will need to look at both tests and also be prepared to talk about the workshops you went to, the mathletics tasks you completed, the videos you watched on the site, or anything else that helped you. You may like to use the headings below but you don’t have to.  

My strengths

My srenth was the reflection of kid that was easy because I had done it before and I had got it correct on both tests.


My goal was to get number 3 correct in the 2nd test and I did. It was quite easy after I got the hang of it.

What helped me

One thing that helped me a little bit was the geometry workshops that we did almost every day. The north south east west ones helped a bit because I did not know much about it.


The mathletics sides and corners  tasks helped me prepare for the test.

What the teachers did well in, and what they need to work on

There is nothing much that they need to work on but I think more mathletics tasks.



Tuesday, June 8, 2021

How rain is made.

     How rain is made.  

        May 31 2021

Made by Pippa.B

How is rain made? Have you ever asked yourself that? First, what is rain? Rain is water that people drink to make themselves hydrated. Water is something that a human body needs to live. Clouds produce the rain. Clouds soak up the moisture from earth to make it rain. In winter the ground is more moist so there is more rain and in summer it is more dry than moist.

 Snow is made the same way but different. Snow is made the same but before it drops to the ground it freezers to make snow. If you are not lucky it will hail. Hail is little pieces of snow and Ice hail is hard and it hurts so stay away if you can.

My writing goal is to use time connectives.


Friday, June 4, 2021

My measurement test june 2021

 Measurement test june 2021

Write a reflection on your learning in measurement. You will need to look at both tests and also be prepared to talk about the workshops you went to, the mathletics tasks you completed, the videos you watched on the site, or anything else that helped you. You may like to use the headings below but you don’t have to.  

My strengths

My strength in the first test was number 1 reading scales and on the second test number 3 was most easy reading scales Temperature.


My goal was to get number 2 correct but I failed on that one better luck next time.

What helped me

One thing that helped me was the temperature work shop.

What the teachers did well in, and what they need to work on

There is nothing much that they need to work on but I think more mathletics tasks.